Community & social events in Walmsley Parish

We warmly invite you to our twice monthly Coffee mornings at St. Andrew’s Church Hall and at Walmsley Parish Community Hall:

The award-winning TURTON TECH CLUB POP-IN is available at our CAFÉ IN THE HALL : Laptop, Mobile and Tablet Help & Support ~ Ask us ANYTHING! Nikki Barlow will be on hand to deal with any of your tech problems. Open to the Parish, the Team, the Mission Community and beyond! So please come along with or without a device and ask away. Never miss an opportunity to learn a new skill, and spread the word…
Please note that the dates of our Café in the Hall in March and April will be on the SECOND Saturday. Here are the dates for the rest of this year for our monthly event held in Walmsley Parish Community Hall. Please support our fund-raising and social events…
  • Saturday 15 February; Saturday 8 March; Saturday 12 April; Saturday 17 May;
  • Saturday 21 June; Saturday 19 July; Saturday 20 September; Saturday 18 October;
  • Saturday 15 November – Christmas Fair.    [No Café in the Hall for August & December]


SATURDAY 22 FEBRUARY: 7:30pm. Walmsley Parish Community Hall.

Celebrating the Life and Music of the legendary Cilla Black, Cilla & The Swinging 60s is a highly entertaining show, which also includes a handpicked selection of her well-known contemporaries, including Dusty Springfield, Lulu, Petula Clark, The Beatles and many more.

Starring the unforgettable voice of Sandy Smith, along with her talented dancers, the show will take you on a rollercoaster journey through many of the greatest pop songs of the 60s including Cilla’s own chart toppers ‘Anyone Who Had A Heart’ “Alfie” and ‘You’re My World’.

This show is selling out theatres around the country and the reviews speak for themselves.

If you bought tickets for the one that had to be re-scheduled, they are still valid for this show. Contact…/cilla-the…/e-obxoro for enquiries and ticket purchase.




 Following the success of the last Ceilidh, when the RIOT BAND came and serenaded us brilliantly, teaching the dances as we went along, they are returning for more lively entertainment on FRIDAY 6 DECEMBER at Walmsley Parish Community Hall. 
Another chance to enjoy – and dance to – the music of the RIOT BAND at our local Parish Hall … have some fun as you dos-à-dos your partner…
For more information and to book tickets, please contact our Hall Manager, John Clayton: Tel 07306 129997 or E-mail


2024 ~ Successful events earlier this year:

Advent Prayer and Activity Day – St. Andrew’s Church
Saturday 23rd November 10am – 4pm
A day filled with fun, faith and friendship when members of our two churches came together and volunteers shared their talents and skills on an Advent / Christmas theme, with time for prayer at the beginning, at lunchtime and at the close of the day’s activities. Thank you to Angie Foster for organising it. To read more about it and to see photographs, please click the blue link to this post

Photography Competition

To raise awareness of the ecology of our area and encourage conservation.
Five categories to enter: Waterways – Walkways – Woodland – Wildlife – Wild Flora.

The exhibition of entries were on display at Christ Church Walmsley on Sunday October 6th 2024 .

The entries received for the photography competition were so very professional; real skill was shown in capturing some amazing scenes and wildlife. Thank you to everyone who entered, and thank you to Ken Holt for organising this to highlight the amazing beauty and diverse ecology we have across the Turton Moorland Team.
The photos were on display in church when the Bishop of Bolton joined us for a joint Harvest Service at the beginning of October. They really were stunning – so professional – and it was good to talk to some of the photographers about them !! They would grace any wall in our homes!

Macmillan Coffee Event: FRIDAY 27 SEPTEMBER 11am to 1pm . 

Thank you to everyone who supported the Macmillan event at Walmsley Parish Community Hall. Jo Woods is pleased to announce that the total of £802 will go to this worthwhile charity.
Thank you to Jo and ‘team’ for organising this.

WALMSLEY LIVE LOUNGE 4 – Saturday 21 September @ 7.30pm in Walmsley Parish Community Hall. This was a wonderfully laid-back and relaxed musical evening with some amazing singer/song-writers showing their skills… What a fabulous way to spend an evening in the company of friends.

Piano and violin recital at Christ Church Walmsley                     
Saturday 7 September – 4pm                                                                                                                                  FREE entry with retiring collection + CAKE!!!!


A rare opportunity to hear some of the best upcoming musical talent in the country from local young performers.
Dana is an 18 year old violinist from Ukraine, now living in Egerton.  She has a place to study violin at RNCM starting in October.
Harry is a 17 year old pianist from Belmont, attending Canon Slade 6th form and hopes to go to a London conservatoire after his A levels.
They met at the Royal Northern Junior College where they both attended Saturday school.
They will curate a programme of classical music to include some solo violin and solo piano pieces and also some items in which Harry will accompany Dana.
What a fabulous concert we were treated to at Christ Church Walmsley that afternoon. The incredible musical skills of 18-year old Dana filled every corner of our church with her amazing violin playing and the superb pianistic talents of 17-year old Harry made our beautiful Bechstein grand positively resound with joy!
The repertoire was wonderfully varied and ranged from Bach & Telemann to Messiaen & Massenet, with Chopin, Tchaikovsky & Debussy en route.
Thank you to everyone who helped in the planning, preparation and cake-making, with special thanks to Nicola K, Sheila B, Church Warden Hilary D … and also to cuppa pourers Anne McC & Abigail B.
And huge thanks to everyone who came to enjoy the performance … and support with their donations, which are to be split between Sing for Pleasure and our church roof repairs. 

Thank you to everyone who helped with – or came along to participate in – the activities at our ECO DAY. Everyone seems to have had a great time … see if you can spot the new nesting boxes as you walk through the grounds up at Christ Church Walmsley and the bug hotel as you walk around the back of church.
Thank you to HOWARTH TIMBER & BUILDING SUPPLIES, who donated all the materials for making the nesting boxes.
Huge thanks also to Ken Holt, who was the inspiration for the activity, to Nick Hitchen, who cut, prepped and assisted youngsters in the making of the nesting boxes, and to Aubrey McCreesh, Phil Shaw and Jenny Murphy, who helped on the day with building the BUG HOTEL and litter picking.
To see photos of the day, please access the separate post:
This was an opportunity for children – of all ages – and adults to get involved, make bird boxes, learn about our eco challenges, etc…
This was an excellent evening at Walmsley Parish Community Hall.
Thank you to all the performers for sharing their musical skills and talent – and to Dean Lane and John Clayton for organising it.
Reverend Hannah Lane, our enthusiastic, energetic and enigmatic Team Curate here in Walmsley Parish, was the inspiration for this amazing concert to CELEBRATE the 185th YEAR of Walmsley Church – a wonderful concert performed by ASTLEY UNLIMITED BAND & CHOIR – 7pm on SATURDAY 24 FEBRUARY in Christ Church Walmsley.
See our Walmsley Parish Facebook page for a write up of this amazing evening … and to watch Rev Hannah’s TERRIFIC TUBA SOLO if you’d like another listen :
🎶🎉🤩 ❤️
Astley Unlimited Choir were amazing also, with a wonderful repertoire, a skilful accompanist who made our Bechstein parlour grand ‘sing’ … and we were treated to beautiful solos by Kathryn Whitfield (who happens to be Rev Hannah’s Mum!)
Our EASTER THEMED CAFÉ in the Hall at WALMSLEY PARISH COMMUNITY HALL on SATURDAY 9 MARCH: 10am til midday was a good community event. Thank you to all who attended or helped in any way. Special thanks to Wendy, Anne & Kim, who worked so hard in the kitchen with the other volunteers – and made beautiful Easter gifts.  They also knitted beautiful pink buttoned hearts ‘with love’ for all the ladies on Mothering Sunday in church.
Thanks you to all who came along and had a wonderful time at the Ceilidh in Walmsley Parish Community Hall with a night of music and dancing for all ages and all levels of skill/ability. 
Special thanks to Sandra Morris for organising it and to our Hall Manager John Clayton (and his son-in-law, Josh) who manned the extensive bar.

We held an OPEN DAY at Christ Church Walmsley on SATURDAY 13 APRIL 10am-4pm. We hope you popped in, had a look around and learned lots about your church …

And, as this coincided with our Café at Walmsley Parish Community Hall from 10am til midday, we hope you came and shares a brew and a breakfast barm … maybe with a cake too + a browse of the stalls.