PAYING FOR THE PARISH YOU LOVE: Have you thought about your GIVING to our Parish recently? If not, please could we encourage you to do so?
OUR WEEKLY INCOME DOES NOT COVER OUR WEEKLY OUTGOINGS and we are increasingly running at a loss.
We don’t charge an admission fee – we depend entirely on donations to keep our churches heated, repaired and open … all with the help of volunteers.
The most helpful way for you to contribute to the running of our churches is by committing to a regular standing order which, with Gift Aid – as we are a registered charity – then provides another 25% on top of your donation at no cost to you.
This would enable us to still pay our bills and to plan ahead with essential maintenance work in our churches and their grounds.
Thank you to those who have set up your offertory giving by standing order. Thank you for your contribution to the running of our churches and for making a difference. To avoid handling of cash, we urge you to please consider donating in this way; thank you.
A sincere thank you to those who continue to contribute via standing order. And thank you to those who leave their offertory envelope on the plate at the back of church. We do not expect everyone to be able to give financially and, to those who give so generously of their time, talents and skills in other ways, we thank you.
If you prefer cashless and convenient, please consider scanning the QR code below to help us with a donation.