Lockdown Prayers

A selection of prayers for use during the Coronavirus ‘Lockdown’ from the Mothers’ Union. Shared by Jenny Murphy

Even in the darkest moments, love gives hope.

Below are a sample of the prayers included in the Lockdown Prayers booklet from the Mothers’ Union. You can download the booklet here.

As we pray in our individual homes – around the nation and around the world – we are united as one family. So, let us pause and find a moment of peace, as we lift up our hearts together in prayer. Perhaps you might light a candle and sit quietly for a moment or two before moving into prayer.

Opening Prayer

Lord Jesus Christ, you said to your disciples, ‘I am with you always’. Be with me today, as I offer myself to you. Hear my prayers for others and for myself, and keep me in your care.

For the lonely and those trapped in fear

God of compassion, be close to those who are ill, afraid or in isolation. In their loneliness, be their consolation; in their anxiety, be their hope; in their darkness, be their light; through him who suffered alone on the cross, but reigns with you in glory, Jesus Christ our Lord.


From one who is ill or isolated

O God, help me to trust you, help me to know that you are with me, help me to believe that nothing can separate me from your love revealed in Jesus Christ our Lord.


A children’s prayer

Dear God, please bless all our friends They are not allowed to go to school or come over to play. I’m sad because I miss them. They must be feeling miserable and lonely as well. Please be close to them. Please be with the people who are looking after them. If they are poorly please help them to get better and to know that you love them.
