Sunday, 15 March 2020 – Pew Sheet

This week’s Pew Sheet is full of useful information about upcoming events.

You can download this week’s Pew Sheet here.  While you’re here…

How much are your churches worth to you? Do you value them…?

Our average weekly giving in this Parish is just £5 per week; elsewhere in Manchester, the average is £13!

Every week, we have a serious shortfall in offertory donations. Could you maybe please give a note instead of just your loose change?  Even an extra £1 a week would make a difference. Or more if you can.

Standing Order

The best way to make your donations is by standing order. You can set one up with your bank over the phone or via online banking. 

Account name: Walmsley Parochial Church
Account number: 10251161
Sort code: 16 –00 –06
Reference: your full name

Gift Aid

If you pay tax, Gift Aid will boost your donation by 25%However, for your Church to benefit from this, you will need to fill in a Gift Aid Declaration form first.

These are readily available at the back of church and should be handed to a church warden or to Anne McCreesh, our Gift Aid Secretary.