A THANK YOU + PLEASE vote for us towards our toilet fund … bring a box of CRACKERS … and a TOY for Bolton Lions Christmas appeal

Thank you to all who came to our Christmas Fayre at the Hall on 18 November.
Following its success, bringing our community together and raising the amazing sum of £1,800, we now ask if you would please nominate us to receive a £1,000 donation – through a giving source being promoted by the Diocese of Manchester – to go towards the Walmsley Parish Community Hall toilet fund. Many of our children use the Hall and would benefit from modern, accessible toilet facilities.
It’s super simple to take part: Please place your vote at this link https://movementforgood.com then nominate Christ Church Walmsley.
(Whether you are a Volunteer or a supporter … every vote counts.)
We are a registered charity, not-for-profit organisation; it is one nomination per charity, per person. The more nominations a charity gets, the greater their chances of winning, so spread the word and please share this on your social media! THANK YOU.


🎄URBAN OUTREACH Christmas Dinner on Jesus🎄

We have pledged to donate 100 boxes of 12 Christmas Crackers. If you’re able to donate, please drop off your boxes of Crackers at the back of Christ Church and mark them off on the Cracker Tracker!

We are collecting for Bolton Lions Christmas Toy appeal at the FAMILY SERVICES in Walmsley Parish on Sunday 3 December.
Thank you if you are able to help us with the gift of a toy or a donation.