Walmsley C E Primary School – updates

Please click to access our Walmsley CE School – Admissions Policy 2026

[Applicable to Admissions from September 2026 Onwards]
Walmsley CE Primary propose to reduce the PAN (Published Admission Number) from 45 to 30 from 1st September 2026. This means that the maximum number of pupils intended to be admitted in Reception in 2026 and all subsequent Reception cohorts, will be 30. For children who already have a place in the school there will be no change. In accordance with the School Admissions Code (2021), the Governing Board at Walmsley CE Primary School are consulting with key stakeholders, including: –
  • Parents/carers of current pupils, past and prospective parents of pupils
  • Christ Church Walmsley PCC and Manchester Diocese
  • All other Admission Authorities within our locality
  • Bolton Local Authority (school admissions team)
  • Neighbouring LAs – Blackburn with Darwen
  • Councillors and MPs
  • Anyone else who has an interest in the proposed changes.
A copy of the proposal has been published on the school website.
This consultation will run from Wednesday 10th December 2024 to Friday 31st January 2025 after which time any representations received will be considered and a report taken to the Governing Board for a decision to be made on the PAN for Walmsley CE Primary.
Any questions in relation to the consultation should be sent to the school via the School contact email address: office@walmsley.bolton.sch.uk
For further information, please access this document:

Walmsley CE School – PAN reduction consultation

Growing as a family to flourish in God’s love.
Guided by God, we will provide rich, memorable learning experiences which will build character in each individual child.
We will ensure that all children are able to flourish and experience God’s wonderful world in all its fullness.
Together as a family we aim to love, respect, aspire, trust, show compassion and be resilient.