Annual Parochial Church Meeting – 18 October 2020

The 101st Annual Parochial Meeting
of Walmsley Parish

Christ Church Walmsley with St Andrew Bromley Cross

Sunday, 18th October 2020
following 9:30 am service at Christ Church

Annual Meeting of Parishioners

  1. Opening Prayer
  2. Minutes of previous Meeting
  3. Election of Church Wardens

Annual Parochial Church Meeting

  1. Chair’s Welcome
  2. Apologies for Absence
  3. Draft Minutes of the APCM held on 14th April 2019
  4. Matters Arising
  5. Elections
    1. Election of Deanery Synod Representatives
    2. Election of PCC members
    3. Election of Team Council Representatives
  6. Reports
    1. Report on changes in Electoral Roll
    2. Financial Statement of the PCC for the previous year ending 31st December 2019 independently examined
    3. Churchwardens report on the fabric, goods and ornaments of the Church
    4. Deanery Report
    5. Reports from other organisations – to be noted
  7. Safeguarding Policy
  8. Any Other Business
  9. Closing Prayers.

Documents for download

  1. 2020 APCM Agenda
  2. 2019 APCM Minutes – draft
  3. 2019 Accounts
  4. Churchwarden Nomination Form
  5. Deaneary Synod Representatives Nomination Form
  6. PCC Nomination Form