WILD FLORA – Moorland, Valley and Forestry flowers
This early notice will give you time to enjoy our beautiful outdoor area during the coming spring, summer and Autumn months, with your camera or even your mobile at the ready to collect that special photograph to enter the competition.
Photographs must have been taken within the Turton Team Area during 2024 (see map)
Photographs must not exceed size A4 – 8.25 x 11.75 (210 x 297mm)
Photographs submitted are NON-returnable and may be used by the Church, in a calendar for example, but would acknowledge photographer.
Submissions must be delivered by hand, at the latest, on the 18th or 19th September at Christ Church, Blackburn Rd, Egerton between 2.00 & 3.00pm or 6.00 & 8pm. You may hand in your entries before the above dates at a Team Church by prior arrangement. Team Churches: St Anne’s with St James, Edgeworth. Christ Church with St Andrews, Egerton. St Peters Belmont. St Maxentius Bradshaw. They will then be handed in on the above dates by a church representative.
When you make your submission, you must have a completed form for each photograph, which can be downloaded via this link: photo comp.docx (2) or could be completed when you attend.
The form asks for the following information: Name, Address and contact number of photographer. The class in which it is entered. The approximate location in which it was taken.
There will be an entrance charge of £1.00 per photograph.
There will be a panel of judges to make the winning selections but also there will be a ‘People’s Prize’ in each class chosen by visitors to the exhibition. Details of prizes will be circulated in due course.