Remembrance Sunday, 8 November 2020

Our Remembrance service is still happening – just differently…

Although we cannot gather in our Churches and hold our usual Church Parades to remember the fallen – all is not lost!

Please join us at EXACTLY 10:49am on Sunday morning for our TEAM ONLINE SERVICE.

A prayer for World peace

O God of the nations,
as we look to that day when you will gather people
from north and south, east and west,
into the unity of your peaceable Kingdom,
guide with your just and gentle wisdom
all who take counsel for the nations of the world,
that all your people may spend
their days in security, freedom, and peace,
through Jesus Christ, our Lord.

The 2 minutes silence is 11 minutes into the video so we can all virtually gather together, in silence, at the correct time of 11 am.

The video will post at 10:45 am so everyone has a few minutes to prepare.

Our pre-recorded service remembers the fallen from all four parishes and also how we would normally be gathered; including contributions from all four parishes.

The service will continue to be available online if you would prefer to watch it later. If you normally connect to the online service earlier, please note that this week it is not available until 10.45 am.

Join the service HERE.