Second Sunday of Easter, 11 April 2021

Peace be with you all on the second Sunday of Easter

It has been wonderful to welcome so many back into church in Walmsley Parish over the last two weeks to celebrate Palm Sunday, our journey through Holy Week and, finally, Easter Sunday. So that we have an idea of numbers expected – for seating purposes – if you plan to be with us in Christ Church this Sunday, please e-mail Reverend Carol Hayden at or telephone (and leave a message) on 01204 587150. Thank you if you have already done this.

There will be a Communion Service at Christ Church Walmsley this Sunday at 9:30am led by Rev Carol Hayden and at St. Andrews at 11.00am led by Canon David Dunn.

If you feel unable to join us yet, the wealth of wonderful resources for Worship at Home produced from across the Turton Moorland Team via newsletter, via the Team websites and, for those without internet, hand-delivered will continue.


As always, our heart-felt message to you is one of FAITH, HOPE, PEACE, JOY and LOVE. Stay well – stay safe.

Please know that you continue to be in our thoughts and prayers.

Love and blessings,
Reverend Carol Hayden, Dawn Hitchen – Church Warden + Authorised Lay Minister for Pastoral Care, Iain Stewart – Church Warden, Angie Foster & Keith Lewis – Assistant Church Wardens at Christ Church Walmsley, Gary Charnock & Michael Rawlinson – Assistant Church Wardens at St. Andrew’s, John Paton  – Honorary Church Warden at St. Andrew’s

A message from Reverend Carol

The message from Reverend Carol Hayden, over Holy Week and in the services on Easter Day was powerful, poignant and profound:

Jesus overcame death and was raised to new life.

PLEASE NOTE: The mid-week services in Christ Church Walmsley at 11am will resume on Wednesday 14 April. On Sunday 18 April, there will be a FAMILY COMMUNION SERVICE at 9.30am in Christ Church and a Service of Holy Communion at St. Andrew’s; both will be led by Rev Carol.

A message from your Church Wardens

Thank you to everyone who helped in any way at Christ Church and St. Andrew’s to make things run smoothly and safely at the Easter Sunday services. The Easter flowers were so beautiful, the reconstructions of the empty tomb with the stone rolled away, the fabulous arrangements at the altars, around the Paschal Candle and at the entrances to our church buildings. The sharing of Easter eggs in both of our churches was our small token to say it was good to see you all again.

We posted thanks also on our Walmsley Parish FaceBook Page to everyone involved in getting church ready to welcome folk for Easter Sunday, together with a selection of photos from our two churches.

THERE WILL BE NO WALMSLEY PARISH NEWSLETTER NEXT WEEK. We will be back again for Sunday 25 April. Stay safe.

Walmsley Parish Electoral Roll

It is time to complete the annual update.

If you are already on the Electoral Roll, you need do NOTHING. If you’re not sure, just e-mail Stephen Brannon, our Electoral Roll Officer to check and get back to you.

If you want to be on the Walmsley Parish Electoral Roll, please complete the application form attached here and e-mail it to Stephen Brannon. It is one form per person.

According to the latest Diocesan guidance, to be eligible to be on the roll, you need:

  • To be over 16
  • To be a baptised member of the Church of England
  • To have been regularly attending church before the lockdown, and to have continued to attend after the Lockdown where possible.

Closing date for applications is before the APCM (Annual Parochial Church Meeting) on Sunday 9 May, which is usually held in Christ Church Walmsley but which, this year, may be held virtually via zoom.

If you wish to read the full Diocesan guidance for churches, please click here