“THANK YOU” to volunteers following our Walmsley Parish APCM
On Sunday 21 May, we held our Walmsley Parish APCM (Annual Parochial Church Meeting) at St. Andrew’s Church, which was well attended and went very smoothly. Thanks go to Rev Hannah Lane, Turton Moorland Team Curate with responsibility for our Parish, for chairing the public meeting so efficiently and to Rev Simon Cook, our Area Dean, for attending as a guest advisor.
We thank those who have taken on new roles and also those who have stepped down having served in past years. It is good news that all positions on the PCC and Deanery Synod were filled … Rev Simon was impressed!! We are still seeking another Church Warden to help our current warden, Hilary Dunn, as it is a challenging task to ‘fly solo’ in this post. So, if you are interested and would like to know more, please let us know.
Please note: The ARCHDEACON’S VISITATION will be held on Tuesday 13 June at 7.30pm in Bolton Parish Church. All sidespersons/welcomers and PCC members are encouraged to attend. Thank you.