Third Sunday in Lent, 7 March 2021
Dear friends,
We arrive at week FIFTY of the WALMSLEY PARISH NEWSLETTER! How did that happen? Time seems to have stood still in some ways yet, at the same time, moved on at such a pace.
We sincerely hope that our weekly communication with you has helped in some small way to make you feel connected through these many weeks of social distancing. As always, our heart-felt message to you is one of FAITH, HOPE, PEACE, JOY and LOVE.
Resuming Public Worship in Walmsley Parish
The question of when our churches might be open again for public worship has been raised by a few church friends so, here is our response:
As you may know, members of Walmsley Parish PCC are meeting again next Tuesday evening – by zoom – to discuss, amongst other things, the issue of safely re-opening our two churches for public worship. At our meeting last week, the majority vote was against re-opening due to the worry about the new strains of virus and the fear that folk will gather too closely and thus put themselves at risk. It is not, therefore, a given outcome that our churches will be back in action before Easter, even if others are. We will abide by the majority decision of the PCC.
In any case, the risk of transmission is still an issue with people potentially touching what has recently been touched by others. We do not have a young team of cleaners ready to spring into action between services so, for the foreseeable future, even if we re-open for public worship, it will be with the 11am Sunday Service at St. Andrew’s and just the two services a week at Christ Church: Sunday at 9.30am and Wednesday at 11am …IF that is the decision of the PCC members.
Thus the requirement of 72 hour to elapse between use without the need for a deep clean is met.
Thankfully, we have been thoroughly blessed by the wealth of fabulous Lent resources being provided across the Turton Moorland Team via the newsletter, Turton Team website and, for those without internet, hand-delivered.
Please know that you continue to be in our thoughts and prayers. Stay safe and keep well. Love and blessings,
Reverend Carol Hayden,
Iain Stewart – Church Warden,
Angie Foster – Assistant Church Warden,
Dawn Hitchen – Church Warden + Authorised Lay Minister for Pastoral Care.