28 AUGUST 2024 ~ UPDATE on secondary school supplementary forms:
Please use this link to access:
for Secondary School place applications 2024 (for a place in September 2025). Please fill this in if you are a regular attender at Christ Church Walmsley and would like a supplementary form signed by a church official for your secondary school application.
WE HAVE GONE DIGITAL at Christ Church Walmsley and you can scan the QR code (at the back of church and in each pew) to register yourselves and your children’s attendance. This logs the time, date and location, so eliminates the need to highlight names at the beginning of each service. Please be reminded that this is to aid you in maintaining your evidence of church attendance, it is primarily a parental responsibility to ensure attendance is recorded. Thank you.
However, you may still present your card for stamping + a designated signature at St. Andrew’s after each eligible attendance.
If you would like an update on your digital attendance record at any time, please feel free to email schooladmissions@walmsleyparish.org and we’ll send you a copy as soon as we are able.
PLEASE NOTE that the maximum attendance we can record each week is one mark for your child and one for the parent or carer.
However, you are, of course, most welcome to attend any and all services.
JUNIOR CHURCH at Christ Church Walmsley: Sundays at 9.30am during term time.
This will count as an admission mark for your child. The tally of marks for your child will be collated from the registers taken at Junior Church. The Junior Church Leader, Jenny Murphy, can be e-mailed at jennyrmurphy@hotmail.co.uk
SUNDAY SCHOOL at St. Andrew’s: This continues to be held in the adjoining room whilst the main service at 11am takes place, and the children join the main service for ‘show & tell at the end’.
This will count as an admission mark. Parents, please obtain your designated signature for yourself and your child. The Sunday School Leader, Kate Turner, can be e-mailed at katiejturner@ntlworld.com
The services eligible for an attendance mark are:
Sunday 9.30am at Christ Church Walmsley (weekly);
Sunday 11am at St. Andrew’s (weekly);
- NOTICE re THURSDAY 6pm FAMILY SERVICES: The Church Wardens wish to advise you that over the next few months, we will be suspending the Thursday evening 6pm Family Services due to lack of available resources. When the new Incumbent is in place, the services will be reviewed.
In the meantime, services where attendance will be counted for school admissions will be the 9.30am Sunday service at Christ Church Walmsley and the 11am Sunday service at St. Andrews