A message from our Team Rector, Reverend Peter Reiss
Please remember Peter and family in your prayers…
A message from our Team Rector, Reverend Peter Reiss, read out by Area Dean, Rev Simon Cook, at the Turton Moorland Team Service on 21 January:
I am sorry I cannot be here today at the service. I had really hoped energy levels would stay high enough for me to come and participate.
As most of you will know the cancer I have is not curable; it is also very aggressive. We are trying to make the most of the current time as a family.
What I would have wanted to say, personally, is that being the Team Rector for the last 4 ½ years has been a privilege and a joy (as well as a challenge at times). We found our way through the weirdness of covid, and although in some ways some of the congregations are more frail, there are also signs of growth and hope across the Team. It is not an easy time to be a Christian community and our three strands of
- facing up and keeping ourselves aware of the grace and glory of God,
- looking within, being honest and kind to ourselves about how things really are and
- facing out – making sure we do not turn in on ourselves but are welcoming of others and part of our community
I think remain as important and crucial to the life of the parishes as they ever have.
The Team is blessed with so many people who contribute – our assistant clergy and retired clergy, our Readers and ALMs and those who contribute to the ministry and mission of the church in so many ways; and also our Church Officers, especially our Wardens, Treasurers and Secretaries, and our Administrator, without whom we would be in a mess. This last year people have had to take on even more in my absence, thank you to all for what you do – for the teamwork of doing things together. If I start mentioning names the list will go on and on.
Instead can I ask for God’s continued blessing
“The Lord bless you and keep you;
the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you;
the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.”