First Sunday in Lent, 21 February 2021
Help us, Lord,
as we enter into our pilgrimage through Lent,
to keep our focus on you and
on the things of your kingdom.
Take from us the lure of worldly things;
fill us instead with desire for your kingdom.
Grant us true repentance;
fill our lives with your love.
Dear friends,
As always, our message for you each and every week is to share our FAITH, HOPE, PEACE, JOY and LOVE. We trust that you are able to feel the joy of the love of God being shared. Do let us know if you need anything or if we can help in any way.
Thank you for the positive feedback about the NEW FORMAT of our weekly ‘Walmsley Parish Newsletter’. A few of you were puzzled about the lack of separate attachments. There are NO ATTACHMENTS as everything can be accessed by clicking on the links. You can still print off items if you wish.
PLEASE NOTE: If you receive the e-mailed newsletter for a relative or friend, please scroll to the end for a printable version; thank you.
If you have any news to share or would like to sign up for the weekly newsletter, please do get in touch by contacting Dawn Hitchen.