We were delighted to welcome the Bishop of Bolton, the Right Reverend Dr. Matthew Porter, also our Area Dean, Reverend Simon Cook and clergy + visitors from across our MISSION COMMUNITY for a special CONFIRMATION SERVICE at 3pm on Christ the King Sunday yesterday.
During the event, three people were baptised and 23 confirmed, all taking their next step on their Christian journey.
Bishop Matthew spoke words of encouragement, with an individual message, to each person being confirmed; truly inspirational.
We were pleased to greet local members of our own congregation who had come to show their support for those being baptised and confirmed.
Thank you to Chris Sutcliffe, our Team Administrator, for her organisation; to our church wardens, Hilary & Kath, and to the ladies who served refreshments (Team Smethurst & friends) in Walmsley Parish Community Hall after the event … and to John C, who manned the bar.
❤️ 🥰🙏🏼

Below, we share a link to our Walmsley Parish Facebook Page, where you can see the video of the procession at the end of yesterday’s Mission Community Confirmation Service at Christ Church Walmsley, when Bishop Matthew led all those who had been newly confirmed back down the central aisle, holding their lit candles aloft.
A lovely end to a wonderful service. Thank you, everyone

May they all continue to shine God’s light in the world.