THE GREAT INVITATION this Christmas to #Follow The Star

Are you ready to follow the Star this Christmas?

Christmas has a sparkle to it – I hope we have happy memories, of good food, of family, of events, Carol Services, Crib Services, community gatherings; maybe we have family traditions to keep. We always hope for a white Christmas, but it seldom happens. Often it is cloudy, even wet, but if we are inside with others then that doesn’t spoil the joy. Behind those clouds the stars twinkle with light that set off light years ago, part of the mystery and majesty of the universe God has made.

One particular year, wise men from somewhere in the Middle East (where the skies are generally clear!) saw a different “star”. We know the story I think. They followed the star and found a small very ordinary looking baby in the village of Bethlehem. He took some finding! It was not obvious he was special, but somehow they discerned it, and they left precious gifts.
Churches are only quite ordinary, but the Christmas story is truly special.
It is why we feast, why we sing, what we sing. Light comes into darkness,
God shares life with us, Hope springs and peace is shared. Joy abounds.
 You will see “Follow the Star” in the run-up to Christmas; it is the “advertising” for church services. Look out for details on our Team Web page: at
OR find us on FaceBook …the Wise Men had nothing like this to help them!
FOR THOSE WHO DON’T USE INTERNET or QR CODES, there are posters around church, on our notice boards, and flyers are now available with details of all services.