Baptism of Christ, 10 January 2021
Love and blessings to you
And a voice came from heaven:
“You are my son, whom I love;
with you I am well pleased.”Mark 1: 9-13
Dear friends,
Although we are living with increased restrictions, we hope that this shared newsletter brings some joy and offers a time for reflection, prayer and quiet solace.
And a very Happy Birthday to Reverend Carol!
Sending a ‘Happy Birthday’ greeting also to Anne J, Jean M, Kath G and Mary L, whose birthdays fall around this time. Love and very best wishes to you all!
If it is your birthday soon, and you would like a ‘shout out’, please let us know. (Photos to share after the event will be much appreciated – see Rhona Wood’s response in the newsletter.)
Should our prayer lists be included in the weekly mailout as our churches
are currently closed for public worship? Please let us know what you think.
And on this theme, we send our love and prayers to John P, Honorary Assistant Warden, PCC Member and friend from St. Andrew’s, who is staying in Kent with his family. John is currently recovering from Covid. We are thinking of you, John, and wishing you well.
Please know that you continue to be in our thoughts and prayers. Stay safe and keep well. Love and blessings,
Reverend Carol Hayden,
Iain Stewart – Church Warden,
Angie Foster – Assistant Church Warden,
Dawn Hitchen – Church Warden + Authorised Lay Minister for Pastoral Care
Public Worship still paused
A message from Rev Carol & Canon Peter:
Across the Team the PCCs have agreed that Public Worship should be suspended for the time being. It is not easy to know what is best to do in such uncertain and untested situations, but we do feel this is the right response for now. We do not know fully how the new variant of virus is spreading – other than that it spreads much more easily. We will look again at how we can make and keep our churches safe despite the increased transmission; as soon as we feel that we have a sufficiently safe process we will look to restore public worship.
We suspect that there will be further developments in the coming weeks and we will make sure we let people know what is happening. We will also be looking at how we can keep in touch with those who are isolated; spiritual resources will be shared online and by post.
Please let us know what you think would be helpful or useful. “Church” is people and we can be active in our faith and our care, even if our buildings are not able to be open.
We will keep you informed of any updates and hope that you will contact us if you need to.
Email Canon Peter | Email Reverend Carol
Walmsley Parish PCC Meeting
The Wamsley Parish PCC meeting will be held by ZOOM next Tuesday evening (12 January) at 7.30pm.
Please inform PCC Secretary, Hilary Gregory, if you are unable to attend.
A Message from Reverend Carol
It has been a tough 12 months and I haven’t been for a run since I broke my shoulder whilst out jogging. Two months after my fall, my husband and best friend Mike died of cancer.
In my wisdom I have entered the race for life in his memory #runfortaff
Cancer is happening right now, which is why I’m taking part in a Race for Life 5k to raise money and save lives. I don’t want anyone to go through what me and my family have been through this past 18 months. If you would like to sponsor me in memory of my husband, please click HERE.
Thank you.
(as posted on Facebook; permission to share given – DH)
Online Services
The wonderful weekly online service, led by our Team Rector, Peter Reiss can be found HERE
Virtual Evening Prayer
From our own Walmsley Parish, we share with you another ‘VIRTUAL EVENING PRAYER’, led this week by John Evans (Authorised Lay Minister for Worship) who also gives a reflection. Dawn Hitchen (Church Warden & ALM) reads from the Old Testament, and the New Testament reading is given by Adrian Golland. Those of you who usually attend Evensong at Christ Church Walmsley may wish to wait until 6.30pm for an element of ‘normality’, but this link is available to WATCH NOW.
Please note, as there was no Newsletter on 27 December, here is the link for that service if you missed it.
Worship at home
New and exciting ‘Worship at Home’ resources for adults and children are created each week by the worship Team at St. Maxentius. Available from the Team Website.
Here4You Magazine
Please look out for your JANUARY edition of the Here4You magazine coming through your door. We are delighted that the editor, Marilyn Hart, has again included a piece from us about what we have ‘done’ to celebrate Christmas across our parishes in the Turton Moorland Team Ministry. And a splendid photo of the Walmsley Angels. Let’s share the GOOD NEWS
Online shopping
A reminder for you if you place orders through Amazon, as a registered charity, Walmsley Parish PCC has a link with Amazon Smile, which allows supporters to make Amazon purchases as normal, but 0.5% of the sale will go – at no cost to yourself – to Walmsley Parish (The Parochial Church Council Of The Ecclesiastical Parish Of Christ Church, Walmsley With St Andrews, Bromley Cross.)
Please help if you can when you shop at – bookmark this link so that all your future Amazon purchases contribute to our parish.
NEWS from Walmsley Parish Community Hall
Please visit our Hall’s Facebook Page
Walmsley Parish Community Hall Manager
Gemma Gardiner has been appointed as the new Hall Manager with effect from Monday 4 January. All the very best to you, Gemma, in this new role and we wish you well. For Hall Booking enquiries e-mail
Walmsley School Admissions 2021
Please see this update from the Chair of Governors, which also includes notes on Admissions for September 2022.
Other links of interest…
The Church of England has shared a link to help those who are home-schooling:
Explore #FaithAtHome, with our online collective worship assemblies and free resource bank. Suitable for all ages, we hope this material will help educate and inspire the children in your life.
If you didn’t manage to see the wonderful Nativity Tableaux at St. Peter’s Church, Belmont, they’ve just shared this amazing video … ENJOY!!
On New Year’s Eve, a member of the Bromley Cross Notice Board Facebook Page, Craig Hall, posted a message saying: “Happy New Year Bromley Cross!” accompanied by an amazing video by drone of Dunscar War Memorial.
Liz Rogerson has shared a link to this fantastic rendition of a Maroon 5 song. ‘MEMORIES’, performed by the ‘ONE VOICE CHILDREN CHOIR’. Enjoy – it really is worth a click!!
If you would to receive the weekly Parish Newsletter via email, please contact Dawn Hitchen
- Parish Newsletter
- Parish Prayers
- Liturgy Sheets for the whole of January 2021
- Image and reflection – Baptism of Jesus
- Worship at Home
- Children’s “LOOK” Resource Sheet
- Urban Outreach Prayers for December & January
- Electoral Roll Application for Enrolment Form
- Standing Order Mandates for Christ Church & St Andrew’s and Gift Aid Declaration