These beautiful prayers were given by Karen Sudworth at the 9.30am Morning Worship on Sunday 20 August. Thank you to everyone who volunteers to lead our intercessions. Loving God we recognise…
The Circle is a fairly universal symbol among world religions. It is seen to represent the sun, the moon, the door through which we all were born, and the human…
CHRIST & THE CHOCOLATERIE – A LENT COURSE REVIEWED A few weeks ago, on a cold evening in February, a group from the Turton Moorland Team’s congregations gathered to watch…
On Sunday 19 March, we celebrated Mothering Sunday, a time for reflection in the midst of Lent. Here are some thoughts on Mothering Sunday from our Curate, Hannah. The poet…
CHRIST and the CHOCOLATERIE: A LENT COURSE at Christ Church Walmsley: Mondays in Lent at 7pm from 20 Feb This year we are trying to “dish up something different”!…
There is an irony that in the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, the Church of England has published the divisive proposals to allow prayers of blessing for same-sex couples…
Christmas Services in Walmsley Parish: ALL CHRISTMAS SERVICES across the TURTON MOORLAND TEAM of churches: Fancy a sing? Come to a Carol Service on Sunday 18 December! 9.30 am St…
Are you ready to follow the Star this Christmas? Christmas has a sparkle to it – I hope we have happy memories, of good food, of family, of events, Carol Services,…
The results of the 2021 Census were published this week, and one of the striking features was that for the first time less than 50% of the population claim to…