Eigth Sunday after Trinity – 2nd August 2020

Remember I am with you always, even to the end of the age

(Jesus’ last words in Matthew’s gospel)

Dear friends

Thank you for the continued support of so many in this Parish and across the Turton Moorland Team.

On Sunday 2 August at 9.30am, there will be a modified service of Holy Communion at Christ Church Walmsley led by Canon Peter Reiss, with a repeat on Wednesday 5 August at 11am.

St. Andrew’s Church services are fortnightly, the next one being a modified service of Holy Communion on Sunday 9 August at 11am led by Canon David Dunn.

As the government guidelines were updated from midnight on Thursday 30 July, Canon Peter Reiss has asked us to share this notice:

Please do join us on Sunday, but we ask that everyone,
who is able to, wears a face-covering for the whole time they are in the building,
in accordance with the new guidelines which will be mandatory from Aug 8th.

The funeral of Mike Hayden, husband of Reverend Carol, will take place at Christ Church Walmsley on Monday 3 August at 1.15pm (restricted to family and close friends) followed by a committal at East Lancs Crematorium.  Mike, Taff to so many of you,  died peacefully at home on 20 July after suffering with Cancer for 12 months. In lieu of flowers, if you would like, the family are requesting donations to The Christie, where Mike was treated. If we can help just one other person overcome this disease…

The funeral will be live-streamed on 3rd August from 1:15pm via our Walmsley Facebook Page.  We will also post a link to the video on our website and on the next Walmsley Parish Newsletter.

A message from the Hayden family…
Due to Covid, numbers are restricted to 30 inside the church. Some of those wishing to pay their respects are going to line the route to church, with an official Guard of Honour from HMP Service. We are sad that not everyone will be able to join us in church for the service, but you are more than welcome to join those lining the route, should you wish to do so. There aren’t the words to convey how special, kind and loving Mike was, but we each feel it through having known him. A man of few words, a cliché paragraph doesn’t seem fitting, but Mike was fond of seeking and appreciating the ‘as good as it gets’ moments in life – so go do that in memory of him.


  1. Walmsley Parish Newsletter with shared items
  2. Prayers sourced for and from Walmsley Parish
  3. Pew Sheet with Liturgy (for the WHOLE OF AUGUST)
  4. Worship at Home resources from St. Maxentius (26 July)
  5. Children’s worship fun sheet: ‘LOOK’ (for the WHOLE OF AUGUST)
  6. Children’s ‘worship at home’ from St. Maxentius (26 July)
  8. Standing Order mandate form for Christ Church Walmsley
  9. Standing Order mandate form for St. Andrew’s, Bromley Cross