Circles – A talk given by Angie Foster, Authorised Lay Minister
The Circle is a fairly universal symbol among world religions. It is seen to represent the sun, the moon, the door through which we all were born, and the human…
Reflection by Angie Foster, Authorised Lay Minister for Worship + Prayer & Spirituality Becoming a Grandparent As I have got older, there are some aspects of life that I find…
CHRIST and the CHOCOLATERIE: A LENT COURSE at Christ Church Walmsley: Mondays in Lent at 7pm from 20 Feb This year we are trying to “dish up something different”!…
Is Silence Preferable or Necessary? A reflection shared by Angie Foster, Authorised Lay Minister for Worship, Prayer & Spirituality Happy New Year! After all the joy and gladness as well…
REFLECTION on COMMUNICATION (Shared by Jan Bennett in the Worship @ Home for 15 January. Credit to ROOTS resources for Church.) When Facebook and Twitter first appeared, do you remember…
Christmas Services in Walmsley Parish: ALL CHRISTMAS SERVICES across the TURTON MOORLAND TEAM of churches: Fancy a sing? Come to a Carol Service on Sunday 18 December! 9.30 am St…
Are you ready to follow the Star this Christmas? Christmas has a sparkle to it – I hope we have happy memories, of good food, of family, of events, Carol Services,…