14th Sunday after Trinity – 13th September 2020
Highlights: Newsletter, Pop-up Plant event, Volunteer Opportunity, Church Attendance Register
Highlights: Newsletter, Pop-up Plant event, Volunteer Opportunity, Church Attendance Register
Let us come into His presence with thanksgiving and into His courts with praise! (Psalm 100:4)
We are encouraged to pray in the coming ten days with the theme “Thy Kingdom Come”: to pray for God’s Kingdom to transform our world, and to pray for people…
On Easter Sunday evening, four weeks ago, Adrian Golland who, with John Evans (Authorised Lay Minister for Worship), leads the Sunday Evensong at Christ Church Walmsley, prepared for us
Wishing you well on the THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER
GREETINGS to you for Sunday 19 April – ‘Low’ Sunday
Celebrating Maundy Thursday and Good Friday from home.