Second Sunday before Advent, 15 November 2020

Love and Blessings to you

The light shines in the darkness,
and the darkness has not overcome it.
John 1:5

Dear friends,

The ‘Walmsley Parish News’ features articles ranging from the promise of rainbows, reflections from Canon Peter, the ‘Dunscar Tableaux’ calendar, together with ideas for origami angels, a letter from Urban Outreach and more.

Our ‘Walmsley Parish Prayers’ leaflet includes words and reflections from people you will know from our Parish and wider Team.

Thank you to those of you who take the time to respond to the shared news and resources.

Don’t be shy – click ‘reply’! But, above all, thank you for continuing to reach out to each other, for sharing your faith, your hope and your love and for taking time to be kind to all those with whom you connect …and please remember to be kind to yourself, too.

Please know that you continue to be in our thoughts and prayers.
Stay safe and keep well.
Love and blessings,

Reverend Carol Hayden,
Jane Dent – former Church Warden, Iain Stewart – Church Warden
& Dawn Hitchen – Church Warden + Authorised Lay Minister for Pastoral Care 

Edgworth Remembers

Please do take a look at a special video created by Nikki & Lesley, Church Wardens from St. Anne’s, Turton, featuring a very special coming together of the folk in that village to celebrate Remembrance Day.

Links to online services

You can enjoy each Sunday’s ‘virtual service’ led by our Team Rector, Canon Peter Reiss, HERE. As in past weeks, accessing this link will enable you to watch a wonderful, recorded service (also on FaceBook) from 8am on Sunday morning.

From our own Walmsley Parish, we share with you another ‘VIRTUAL EVENING PRAYER’ recorded in church and led this week by John Evans (Authorised Lay Minister for Worship) who also gives a reflection with some powerful personal thoughts. John talks about the ‘magical and mystical’ Book of Revelations, where symbols and pictures are given of what is to come, reminding us of why Jesus came into the world. The quoted words were designed to stir up the church to take the knowledge of Jesus out to everyone. John reminds us that Jesus will change people’s lives when they come to know him, believe him and follow him. Maybe we need to do some more stirring!

Worship at Home

Wonderful resources for adults and children are available on the Team Website.  New and exciting materials are created each week by Revd Jan Ainsworth, Jan Bennett (ALM for worship) & Jo Haslam (ALM for Youth Ministry + Children Changing Places Project member)

A request from Canon Peter Reiss

Thank you to all who have contributed to the provision of household goods for refugee families. The gift of pans, appliances, bedding or furniture makes such a difference to those who have very little, and the recipients are very grateful.

If you do have kitchen-ware, kitchen utensils, or household goods that you think others might need, we can find a new and good home for them.

A particular request: there is a family with three secondary school age children. Do you have an Xbox or Play Station you no longer use in your family? It would bring such joy to these children. Thank you.

Please let Peter know – 07935395040


  1. Newsletter
  2. Pew Sheet readings for the whole of November 2020
  3. Parish Prayers
  4. Children’s “LOOK” Sheets for the whole of November 2020
  5. ALM Course Prospectus
  6. How to stop putting pressure on yourself
  7. Origami Angels
  8. Electoral Roll Application for Enrolment Form
  9. Standing Order Mandates for Christ Church & St Andrew’s and Gift Aid Declaration